Saturday 24 November 2012

Land Sale

Land Sale

Land, particularly geographic locations and mineral deposits, has historically been the cause of much conflict and dispute; land reform programs, which are designed to redistribute possession and/or use of geographic land, are often the cause of much controversy, and conflicts over the economic rent of mineral deposits have contributed to many civil wars, particularly in Africa. Much of the USA state wERE formed from sediment washed down the Mississippi River, leaving enormous deltas and vast areas of coastal marsh and swamp. These contain a rich southern biota; typical examples include birds such as ibis and egrets. There are also many species of tree frogs, and fish such as sturgeon and paddlefish. In more elevated areas, fire is a natural process in the landscape, and has produced extensive areas of longleaf pine forest and wet savannas. These support an exceptionally large number of plant species including many species of orchids and carnivorous plants.

Land Sale

Land Sale

Land Sale

Land Sale

Land Sale

Land Sale

Land Sale

Land Sale

Land Sale

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Excellent location for agriculture business.
hervey bay real estate
house and land packages under $400,000 excludes fencing and landscaping

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