Sunday 2 December 2012

Embassy Loans

Embassy Loans

Embassy Loans is a consumer finance company licensed under Statute 516 [Consumer Finance] in the State of Florida. We specialize in equity loans, loans are based on equity, not personal credit scores - and are made regardless of personal credit history. Embassy Loans Terms and Conditions -  All loans range from 12-18 months based on loan amount. Interest rates are 24% up to 30% per year, also based on loan amount. All loans are based in the equity of your collateral, not on credit ratings. To qualify, your collateral must have a wholesale value of $2000.00 or more. You must provide proof of residence and proof of employment unless self employed. As a consumer finance company, we do report to the credit bureau, so you can establish or re-establish your credit. Comprehensive and collision is required to be prepaid for a minimum of 6 months. If this is not possible, we offer an optional collision wavier debt cancellation addendum, which is available only as a voluntary option. If you decide to choose the waiver, it will be included in your monthly payment.

Embassy Loans

Embassy Loans

Embassy Loans

Embassy Loans

Embassy Loans

Embassy Loans

Embassy Loans

Embassy Loans

Embassy Loans

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