Tuesday 4 December 2012

Firefighter Requirements

Firefighter Requirements

Back in the day most career fire departments had their own firefighter fitness test requirements.   Most career fire departments now have candidate physical ability tests (CPAT) administered to prospective candidates. They include eight continuous on a path, exercise drills that must be completed in 10 minutes and 20 seconds and is pass or fail. During the test, candidates are required to wear a 50 lb. vest. with long pants, shoes with no open toes, hard hat w/chinstrap, and gloves. Wearing jewelry is prohibited.   The 50 lb. vest is used to simulate wearing self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Each exercise station is separated by 85 ft. and requires the candidate to walk between each station. To ensure safety and minimize exhaustion, running between stations is not allowed.

Firefighter Requirements

Firefighter Requirements

Firefighter Requirements

Firefighter Requirements

Firefighter Requirements

Firefighter Requirements

Firefighter Requirements

Firefighter Requirements

Firefighter Requirements

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